Foretrekker du dusj eller badekar? 

Det er delte meninger om det er bedre å ta en dusj eller et bad. For noen er badekaret en viktig funksjon på badet. Andre foretrekker å ta en dusj når det kommer til deres personlig hygiene. Vi har samlet fem fordeler på hvorfor du bør velge badekar eller dusj.

A bathtub needs more space. If the bathtub is at least 150 cm long and 70 cm wide, then users can lie down in comfort. These dimensions can vary according to the model.

If the bathtub is also used for showering, a bathtub with shower zone is recommended. These have a vertical wall inclination on one side that allows users to stand upright when showering.

Fem fordeler med dusj 

Person som dusjer med slukrennen CleanLine (© Geberit)

1. En dusj kan installeres på en liten plass uavhengig av takhellingen.Det finnes mange plassbesparende versjoner som varierer i bredde og lengde samt i design. På romslige bad kan de også brukes som romskillere.

2. Moderne slukrenner kan monteres på flisgulvet, noe som gir et moderne preg

3. Et rom kan virke større dersom dusjen er tilpasset planløsningen på badet. En glassdør som kan foldes inn mot veggen, sammen med riktig flis, kan skape en illusjon av et større rom.

4. En dusj kan også bli et ekstra designelement på badet med spesialarmaturer og profiler og pent mønstrede fliser.

5. Det er raskere å dusje og det er også mer miljøvennlig fordi du trenger mindre vann enn når du fyller et helt badekar. Det sparer tid, penger og energi. I gjennomsnitt trenger du omtrent 150 liter vann for å fylle et badekar; en fem minutters dusj sparer tre til fem ganger vannmengden, forutsatt at du skrur av vannet mens du skummer opp.

Fem fordeler med badekar 

1. Å ha badekar er deilig. På et familiebad er badekaret ofte populært blant barn som får en følelse av hygiene på en leken måte.

2. Fordelen med badekar er at du ikke trenger å velge mellom å bade eller dusje, du kan gjøre begge deler. For personer som ikke lenger er fysisk sterke, finnes det badekar med sete for å gjøre det lettere å komme inn i karet. Et hjørnebadekar kan være en god løsning på et lite bad.

3. Et badekar representerer komfort med kombinasjonen av personlig hygiene og avslapning. Et badekar med spa-funksjon øker komforten enda et hakk.

4. Et behagelig varmt bad er bra for helsen din. Det hjelper å bli kvitt hverdagens stress og varmer kroppen på en kald dag. Er du forkjølet kan et bad øke blodsirkulasjonen og styrke kroppens naturlige forsvar. Du kan bruke badeolje i vannet som får kroppen og musklene til å slappe enda mer av.

5. Badekar kan være ekte blikkfang. I tillegg til badekar i standardstørrelse, finnes det også frittstående badekar, flislagte badekar og badekar med ulike former og design.

These are the advantages of showers and bathtubs 

Person showering in a floor-even shower with CleanLine

There are various points in favour of a bathtub or shower in your bathroom.

Saves space and water: five advantages of showers

  • A shower can be installed in a small space, with an unusual floor plan and regardless of the roof pitch.
  • Floor-even showers make it easier to enter the shower area and enable barrier-free showering.
  • A room can look larger if the shower tray is adapted to suit the bathroom design. Open-plan showers with a glass walk-in shower panel and tiles that are laid uniformly and seamlessly across the bathroom and into the shower area can help here.
  • It is quicker to take a shower than a bath and it is also more environmentally friendly as the water consumption is lower. This saves time, money and energy. As a comparison: on average, you need around 150 litres of water to fill a bathtub; a five-minute shower saves around three times the amount of water, providing you turn the water off while you soap yourself.
  • A shower can also become an eye-catcher with a range of highlights such as a specially shaped shower head, a colourful shower curtain or patterned tiles.

Comfort for the entire family: five advantages of bathtubs

  • Having a bath is fun. In a family bathroom, the bathtub is often very popular with children because they get a feel for hygiene in a playful way and can splash around.
  • The advantage of a bathtub is that you don’t have to decide between bathing and showering. In the case of people who are no longer physically fit, there are bathtubs with a seat and a door to make it easier to get in. A corner bathtub can be a good solution in a small bathroom.
  • A bathtub represents comfort. Taking care of your personal hygiene as you lie back and relax is a joy. Bathtubs with wellness jets and sprays help ensure even more relaxation. This then also offers a perfect substitute for a whirlpool.
  • A pleasantly warm bath is good for your health. It helps get rid of everyday stress, and warms your body up on a cold day. If you’re coming down with a cold, a bath will help your blood flow and support the body’s natural defences. If you want, you can add bath oil to the water.
  • Bathtubs in unusual shapes and models enhance the bathroom. Alongside standard-size bathtubs, there are also freestanding bathtubs, bathtubs embedded in the floor as well as corner bathtubs with an appealing design.
Geberit Tawa bathtub in white with chrome taps
Geberit Renova Plan bathtub

Shower or bathtub – what to look out for when planning the bathroom

In a well-planned bathroom, attention is primarily paid to aspects such as the optimal use of space, needs in terms of design and functions, and the available infrastructure (ventilation, lighting and sanitary installations).

In a rented apartment, the bathroom usually has different requirements compared to the fittings in a hotel room. How much space is available in the bathroom? Who is the bathroom being used by? Where have pipes already been laid? Last but not least, a realistic budget is also needed. Ask yourself whether your plans can be implemented with the budget available.

Help when making a decision 

Plan your bathroom with the 3D bathroom planner

Our tip: your dream bathroom can be visualised online in just a few steps with a simple planning tool such as the Geberit 3D bathroom planner. The true-to-scale visualisation allows for various design scenarios with shower and bathtub to be tested out. This can help when making a decision.

What is the best option for a rented apartment: bathtub or shower?

In a rented apartment with just one bathroom, a shower is usually the best solution. A shower needs less space, saves water and time, and barrier-free access is also possible. If a rented apartment has two wet units, then a shower is often installed in one room and a bathtub in the other.

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Nyhetsbrevet vårt gir deg nyttig kunnskap og gode tips om hvordan badet ditt kan forenkle dagliglivet.

Baderomsprodukter for mer plass på badet 

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